Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So, honestly, what would you do?

For the last hour I've listened to my next door neighbors yelling off and on. There's been a lot of loud noises and bangs against the wall that have actually shook my pictures. Now, sometimes they have loud parties so for the first while I couldn't tell for sure what was going on. Now I know that they were fighting, and I'm pretty sure those loud bangs were her getting shoved in to the wall. I stood at my front door for awhile listening while she stood outside and he stood in the doorway yelling at her to come look at what she did to the door. I have to admit, it brought back some pretty bad memories. When she yelled back "Why should I come look? No! You're just going to hit me if I come up there!" I opened my door. I asked her if she needed to call someone, and told her that even though my place was a mess she could come in if she wanted. She said she was okay - I knew she was just embarrassed. I told her I've been in her situation before. I understood. He opened the door again and started yelling before he realized I was there. I told him I wasn't trying to get involved - at which point he interrupted me and said "Yeah, I bet you tryin' to sleep huh? Lookit what she did to my door!" and I said that no, actually I just had been in their situation before and the best thing for them to do right now would be to go their separate ways for the night and talk it out tomorrow when they were both calmed down. She made it all the way down the stairs while I was talking and last I saw he was back inside and she was walking out of the parking lot talking on her cell phone.

Now - what would you do?

If I call the cops for a domestic violence situation honestly they won't do much. I should know - when I lived in West Seattle with my ex multiple neighbors called the cops one night on us and since we both said nothing physical happened the cops didn't do anything.

If I complain to the COA since this couple are renters and not homeowners they will likely know it was me (though I suppose it could be the lady that lives below our units). They have a daughter so putting a family out of a home isn't really something I want to do and obviously would have little to no effect on the whole violence issue.

Was my little interruption of advice enough? It did get her out of harms way - at least for tonight. What should I do if it happens again?


Becca B said...

I like what you did, especially having been there, sometimes people just need a voice of reason, so they can step away from their situation for a brief moment, and realize they're in a bad spot. You're awesome girl!