Sunday, March 21, 2010

Countdown to 30...

So, I am exactly two months away from my 29th birthday. Which, of course, makes me just over a year away from the dreaded 30. I know most people don't see 30 as that big of a deal anymore, but when I figured I'd be married with two kids by the age of 23...well, being 30, single, and childless is kinda stressing. Also, I'm just not entirely happy with where my life is. Sooo, here's my hope for motivation - during the next two months I'm going to try to come up with everything that I would have control over accomplishing by the time I'm 30. I say what I have control over because obviously I can't make a marriage happen or the market pick up so I can sell my place. But I can put myself out there more once I'm ready again and I can work on my place so that when the market is ready so am I. Some of the things I already know to put on the list are to get back in shape, eat better, make more time for *me*, etc. Once I have it all put together I'll post it on here and give periodic updates. Even though no one reads this (except for you sissy lol!) having it as "public" knowledge may help me to be a little more accountable...


Kristen @ My Semi-Crunchy Life said...

Looking forward to seeing your progress :)

And married with 2 kids by 23??? Yikes. I'm sort of ready at 30 HAHA!!!

starlight said...

Well, consider I was with R from 15 until 18. When things were still good I figured we'd get married when I was done with high school and two kids in 4 years ain't so bad ;)